Why should you join your Mediterrania Homeowners Association?
You may not realize it, but the Mediterrania Homeowners Association is a substantial reason that our neighborhood is such a desirable place to live. Your board works year-round addressing issues – big and small – that directly affect our quality of life here. For the remarkably low cost of only $75 per year, your HOA provides safety and security, beautifies the neighborhood, and helps maintain house values.
Some benefits of the Association include:
Representing neighborhood interests and concerns to the City and city-wide groups
Lobbying for City resources that benefit our neighborhood
Maintaining entrance sign areas, including attractive seasonal decorations
Promoting security and safety with Flock cameras and active cooperation with the local Sheriff ’s Office
Organizing neighborhood activities for residents
Mitigating infrastructure changes that could negatively impact the community
Publishing a newsletter to keep residents informed of topics of common interest
Hosting an annual meeting to give residents an opportunity to socialize and interact with local officials and other guests
Increasing your home’s value by making this neighborhood a more desirable place to live
These substantial benefits require resources, so please support these efforts by sending in your dues each year and being a partner in maintaining the beauty and safety of your neighborhood.
Below is a link to the Mediterrania HOA Membership form in a PDF format. When you click on the link, the form will appear. You can either download it as a PDF or print it. You can then fill out the form and deliver/mail it to our Treasurer, George Crudge.