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Why should you join your Mediterrania Homeowners Association?

You may not realize it, but the Mediterrania Homeowners Association is a substantial reason that our neighborhood is such a desirable place to live. Your board works year-round addressing issues – big and small – that directly affect our quality of life here.  For the remarkably low cost of only $75 per year, your HOA provides safety and security, beautifies the neighborhood, and helps maintain house values.

Some benefits of the Association include:

  • Representing neighborhood interests and concerns to the City and city-wide groups
  • Lobbying for City resources that benefit our neighborhood
  • Maintaining entrance sign areas, including attractive seasonal decorations
  • Promoting security and safety with Flock cameras and active cooperation with the local Sheriff ’s Office
  • Organizing neighborhood activities for residents
  • Mitigating infrastructure changes that could negatively impact the community
  • Publishing a newsletter to keep residents informed of topics of common interest
  • Hosting an annual meeting to give residents an opportunity to socialize and interact with local officials and other guests
  • Increasing your home’s value by making this neighborhood a more desirable place to live

These substantial benefits require resources, so please support these efforts by sending in your dues each year and being a partner in maintaining the beauty and safety of your neighborhood.

Below is a link to the Mediterrania HOA Membership form in a PDF format. When you click on the link, the form will appear. You can either download it as a PDF or print it. You can then fill out the form and deliver/mail it to our Treasurer, George Crudge.

Membership Form